Zoom OCTOBOX Software Packages

OCTOBOX Software Packages


Enhance the realism of lab-based wireless testing and automate standards-based test plans.Completely automate the Broadband Forum’s TR-398 standardized tests for measuring the in-premises performance of Access Points and reference stations. Our web UI makes it fast and easy to execute any or all TR-398 tests in a controlled, interference-free testing environment.

A new dashboard mode allows engineers to create new test scenarios more easily. Better data visualization and plots make the results easier to interpret and communicate. Upgrades to the multiPerf traffic generator make it possible to test with any device and improve delay and jitter measurements.

Capture in-premises RF environments from homes or offices and then recreate these real-world conditions for repeatable lab-based tests. Bring unprecedented realism to lab testing, increasing your confidence that devices will perform in the real-world without the cost, hassle and unpredictability of field testing.



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